I thought the hallmark of a "true" religion was that they had love among themselves.
Yea. Right.
In 2 years my neighbor had no JW visitors. She was alone and very depressed. She felt neglected and abandoned. So much for love amongst themselves.
When I was a JW I really did try to practice this as much as possible. To me it was what Christians should be doing. But I know very few did it for me when I really needed it. In reality I saw very little of it.
An elder coming to preach to you to get to meetings and "pray more" is not loving. It implies you are not doing enough, not good enough. It feels like a lecture rather than real love and concern for a fellow human being.
Yes that is the problem. The WTS ha drilled all humanity out of all JWs. I was more of a friend to her over the last 2 years than any of the "brothers and sisters". I think in 2 years not one person even called her to see how she was.